Well, you're a gang of dumpster-diving trash bandits in a wizard city fighting over magical wizard trash. That's the pitch. (For nerds: it's a roguelike tactical RPG.)

I know, pretty great huh? Each level, you defend some dumpsters full of delectable goodies from the RAT CRUE, and if you lose too much trash to them then idk they'll probably use its magical powers to summon a decaying trash god or something I DON'T KNOW IT WON'T BE GOOD.

And each level you get a new ability from relics in the dumpster! 🥳🥳🥳

And then you get to eat the trash, which upgrades your stats! Make sure the whole party gets their share and you'll get bonus stats through the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP.

Eat your way through the dumpsters of the city, down into the sewers, and all the way through the gaping mouth of hell itself. YES YOU HEARD ME you get to play as trash animals fighting their way out of hell powered by their consumption of magical garbage. Aaaaand that's the game and I can't promise you won't die a lot because you're going to die a lot so uh have fun bye!!

Development log


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Really fun! Love the theming and the abilities felt great for the different archetypes.

suffered so long with spicy difficulty, then you say there's 1 more! damn, cool game!

Legit amazing!

trash game 10/10

I've recently started playing itch.io games on my work laptop (don't tell my boss) and I've been playing this nonstop. The upgrade system is incredibly satisfying and I will be buying the game once I have access to Steam again. 

Neat game ! Love the art style and upgrade mechanic.

Too bad the web version decided to freeze in the middle of the last fight (which I was pulverizing)


Wait it unfroze ! let's gooooo

Oh my god this is so good.  The upgrade system is extremely satisfying, absolute *trash*


(1 edit)

I SOMEHOW WON ON MY FIRST RUN, BEATING THE FINAL BOSS WITH NOTHING BUT POSSUM (I love her) AND RACOON (And him) MY TWO FAV CHARACTERS. Also with help of a few mini possums. That final boss got me sweating. I have used too much brainpower. GREAT GAME THOUGH, WOULD LOVE THE FULL GAME :D

great game, nearly won on my first run but, lost and found a bug with the turrets where if they are the last to die the game breaks :(

This is so fun. I love games like this! Thank you!

Amazing game! I really love the upgrade system and the tetris food minigame is so satisfying. Gameplay is super satisfying. (I play on steam demo version! Go wishlist it the rest of ya'll!)

But is fire mode meant to be possible .-.

I managed to get to the boss fight but my tank (took 2 attacks) and mage (took 1 attack) managed to die in a single turn.  Im gonna keep trying but jesus the dmg output even a minion does is crazy...

Awesome game and very interesting level up!

(1 edit)

beautiful game, probably could have beat campaign 1 first try if I didn't immediately accidentally sack my caster to the final boss (underestimated his movement speed, to anyone else reading this, DONT)

So I accidentally acrued like 7 turns with racoon and just side stabbed the boss a billion times once the spawn rates calmed down, I also like the defense boosts at each threshold (and maybe attack boosts, idk i just wiped it in a turn in one last stand)

Thank you so much!! And sorry your skunk got one-shot! 😅

I have realized how the tetris bit rewards you when you get a row complete, imma do some higher difficulty runs now

I absolutely adore this, I've not finished playing yet but I had to come and comment because everything is so polished and smooth, the details of the ground shifting to show what will be affected by abilities or where you can move, the little animation of the rats getting the trash out of the cans is sooo cute, in fact all of the animations are really cute. 

The theme is so nice too, I love all my rodent warriors!

The tetris mechanic is super interesting too, its hard to choose between completing the lines and giving specific bonuses to different characters. 

Speaking of characters the abilities are super fun too, pretty classic for a tactical rpg but just nicely done and they all feel good to use!

The undo button as well is very nice to see, I made a couple of mistakes that was just me being stupid so being able to go back and do it the way I actually wanted to was very nice.

Can't wait to see more of this, I am very excited!


Thank you!! This has been a labor of love for me, so it's nice to hear that the little details are coming through 😊

They really do! Your level of polish is a goal for sure 😁

I liked the game's art style and mechanics. Enjoyed the game overall! 

Thank you! (And you came so close to beating Big Trevor! Nice job! :))

Very fun playthrough and difficulty really ramps up. Love the theme of our trash crew especially Raccoon carrying all my runs.  

Ahh! Nice! Just finished watching. I'm glad someone beat it on Masochist :)

I did one Expert run, died between the miniboss and the boss. I like what's there. 

The presentation is good, I like the animation of the enemies stealing from the trashbin. The game controls well, intuitively I tried to press ESC to Undo a couple of times, not sure if it's something which could be added. 

The game is fun. I like the characters' abilities and the choice between two of these. The Tetris thing works too. The game seemed pretty well balanced, with the right lethality. I think the consequence in the next level for a character being defeated in the previous one is on point and the character progression feels right.

Based only on this demo a choice between a few extra characters at the start as well as more different enemies even during these first levels would be cool.

Depending on how progression between runs works (basically I prefer everything being available from the first run, especially regarding the content you're going to face, but probably when it comes to the player's own options too, for example the characters you can choose from) I might be personally more or less interested in the final game but that's on me, the game is cool either way, keep up the good work.

Thank you for the feedback! That's all really good to hear, and exciting because it's fairly in line with what I'm working toward. (It's not set in stone, but more characters and more enemies are on my current road map.)

PS: Undo is currently on Z, but yeah I don't see why ESC wouldn't work. That's a good thought, it does intuitively make sense to merge it with going back in the menu system.